Jet Express Club

Covid-19 Information

Covid-19 Information

Within the building & the kitchen :

  • Is only allowed entering the bulding the staff on duty and with a face mask.
  • Hand washing is required when entering the building then once more when entering the kitchen then as many times as possible during the day.
  • Extra antibacterial soaps have been installed in every areas at the operation center and at the different office spaces in addition to the ones installed in the kitchen.
  • Computers, mouses, keyboards, telephones, objects and surfaces are sanitized repeatedly during the day.
  • All physical contacts with each other as well as cheek kisses and handchecks as greeting have been prohibited (minimum distance of 2meters between employees at the work premises is required).
  • Usage of gloves more frequently when preparing food and hand washing in between as always.
  • Sanitize the containers from all suppliers’ deliveries in addition to the regular checking procedures.
  • Kitchen areas and surfaces are beeing whashed more often during the day.
  • All the existing necessary measures and preventing actions provided by the authorities have been reviewed again with the employees.
  • Remain vigilant and ensure that our employees are not ill but are fit to work when they start their shift.

During aicrafts’ deliveries :

  • Sanitize all our vehicles before and after each delivery (cabin & refrigerated storage) as well as all containers used to transport the meals.
  • Use of Antiseptic Wipes right before crew arrive.
  • Wear single-use gloves & face mask upon aircraft delivery.